After finishing module one I was very willing to start my project. Everything was going great. The week that followed I took a break – from the project, not from the rest of my work – to let the ideas settle a bit; All according to plan, let's say. Suddenly, in the second week, when I already had activities scheduled, I got sick with COVID, fortunately without serious consequences, but I did have to spend two weeks in my apartment to reduce the risk of contagion. Sometimes this is how it is.
This whole situation left me with a week to work on what I had planned to do. My original bread of three weeks of work was reduced to only one, so in the end I did what I could and that's it.
The second module of the diploma course took place from August 22 to 26 and was led by the artist Rolando Flores Tovar, an artist who is part of the Tercerunquinto collective.

We had to introduce ourselves again, however this time it was faster, so as not to lose more time and not be a carbon copy of the first module.
In general, we were reviewing the progress that each one had in the month that we did not see each other. For my part, I presented the few advances and some related works that, at the time, had helped me shape my project. In the end I got quite a few comments, it was like going back to the review days of art school production workshops, albeit with more extensive feedback. In general I received good reviews and suggestions; given the previously mentioned circumstances, I had fallen short in the volume of work that I would have liked to present.
The advances of the other partners were interesting, some projects are more defined, naturally, while others are still quite broad and with various narrative possibilities. The question is, as always, the time and resources available.
For me, the value of the comments we made about each other's work lies in how we relate our criticism of each other's work to our work, to what extent what we see of other people's projects can help us build our own.

On Rolando's part, he presented us with some pieces and readings related to the work of the group to which he belongs; Tercerunquinto, which has centered its artistic practice around social and urban phenomena, institutional critique and the dynamics existing in public and private spaces and the dialogue between the two, in addition to the dynamics that occur between the center and the peripheries of megalopolises. in the third world.
My project has to do with public space, so I consider his work a point of reference that could be useful to me when developing visual solutions that allow me to communicate what I want... which is still not so clear.
In general, the second module of the diploma course provided us with a very pertinent review of the state of our work, quite in time to start defining several things, since we are practically halfway through. The third part begins next week and we are supposed to define there or almost what we are going to do as the final piece. We'll see.

Cover photo credit: Rolando Flores Tovar
For more information about Tercerunquinto: